Company introduction

海量數位工程股份有限公司,於2000年肇建於台中(台灣),事業版圖擴及全球,國內據點包含台北、台中、彰化;海外據點擴及泰國、印尼、緬甸、馬來西亞、中國,於多個地區都有生產服務據點。 團隊秉持著顧人如己,問心無愧的精神,提供客戶最優質的服務和專業技術,成為您智慧製造、數位轉型的第一首選。

Business item(s)


AGV(Automated Guided Vehicle)

AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) is a type of robot that can autonomously move in industrial environments. It can navigate based on pre-set routes or on-site conditions to perform tasks such as material handling and transportation, thereby achieving production automation and logistics automation. Our AGV features a patented chassis that can maintain stable movement on various road surfaces, ensuring smooth operation during transportation. In addition, our AGV is equipped with multiple navigation technologies such as SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) and Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging), which work together to help the AGV locate and navigate in unknown environments, achieving higher transportation efficiency and accuracy. Due to its functionality and scalability, our AGV has been applied in various industries and fields, such as library book return robots, convenience store delivery robots, manufacturing material handling robots, and more. By using AGV, businesses can achieve automation, intelligence, and efficiency in their logistics and production processes, thereby improving productivity and product quality.

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