
GreenTrans is invested by China Motor Corporation(CMC), Mitsubishi Taiwan’s sole distributor and business partner and one of Taiwan’s largest vehicle manufacturer. With more than 40 years of discrete and automotive experience, we are able to provide high-quality and high-performance AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robot) products to potential users. Not just automotive industry, our products fit to virtually every industry; textile industry, electronic industry, footwear industry, logistics industry, and so on.


● AGV/AMR ● Professional transportation route planning and system integration expertise ● Customized product design ● Customer relationship management and real-time aftersales service


現今的工廠不僅需要效率和穩定性,生產上還需要靈活性和移動性。 綠捷移動機器人是一款具有無線導航能力的智能AGV,專為工廠和倉庫中快速變化的環境而設計。與傳統AGV不同,綠捷移動機器人採用最新的SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)技術進行導航,無需感應磁鐵和電線、三角測量反射器即可運行。為佈局規劃提供真正的靈活性,並節省設施修改成本。

Customized AGVs

GreenTrans is fully capable of building AGVs according to customers’ needs derived from different industries, production processes, factory layouts and other unique demands.
