【2021 International Technical Webinar】 Full Speed Ahead for the New Generation of Vehicles - Future Technology Trends for EVs

Event Information

【2021國際技術線上論壇】 全速前進車輛新世代-電動車未來技術發展趨勢 在各國政府因應環保而制定各國電動車使用政策,全球車廠紛紛發布多款電動車上市,電動車市場的成長看來並沒有因為疫情停下來,反而更加強勁,電動車已成為傳統車廠、科技大廠以及新創競逐的戰場,在後疫情時代像是一盞救世明燈; 全球調研機構TrendForce數據來看,2020年全球汽車市場衰退的幅度高達13.8%,反觀電動車在2020年有高達20%的成長幅度,而2021年電動車的成長幅度更是高達40%。不只是統計數字顯示了電動車市場的熱度,就從近期廠商的投入態勢也能讓人感受到電動車發燙的熱度。本論壇由「全速前進車輛新世代-電動車未來技術發展趨勢」為題,邀請企業專家從電動車的技術、製造及未來趨勢等面向做深入且精準探討,能讓大家快速掌電動車產業的全貌。



Speaker information

Mr. Wen-Chia Wu

Hiwin Technologies Corp.

Education: National Taiwan University Department of Mechanical Engineering Skill: (1) Product Development (2) Project Management (3) System Integration About -Graduated from the Solid Mechanics Division of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of National Taiwan University in 2004. -Joined HIWIN Technologies as product development engineer, developed linear motion components. -Deep knowledge of the application of motion systems. -Set up the Industrial Robotic Arm Department within HIWIN in 2011, engage in the technological development of automation and participate in numerous automated assembly line projects spanning automobile, PCB, semiconductors, metal processing, agriculture, etc.

Scott Huang

Techman Robot Inc.

1995-1997 Contract Research Fellow at Industrial Technology Research Institute 1999- R&D Manager at Quanta Storage Inc. 2006- R&D Director at Quanta Storage Inc. 2012- GM of Intelligent Department at Quanta Storage Inc. 2016- Chief Operating Officer at Techman Robot -With R&D background of mechatronics at Quanta Storage, built Techman Robot from scratch. -Developed TM5, TM12, TM14 series products with the world-leading vision integration technology, making Techman Robot reach the second largest global market share in collaborative robots in only three years. -Strengthen Techman Robot’s existing products and optimize its key applications in smart manufacturing with software upgrades, such as AI and factory intelligence management system, leading it to become one of the top robotics companies in the world.

Jarry Chang

DFI Inc.
Chief Product Officer

Experience 2017- Senior PM Director at DFI Inc. 2015-2017 Senior R&D Director at DFI Inc. 2014-2015 Hardware R&D Director at DFI Inc. -Lead product planning from the aspect of key applications, work with the R&D team to achieve product differentiation in the rugged and AI fields, and develop a variety of innovative designs in the industry, including the smallest x86 motherboard and the wide temperature system, among which the product lines of systems and motherboards have been widely used in industrial automation and electric vehicles . -Currently focus on expanding the product portfolio in the fields of AIoT and 5G, develop products that can quickly adapt to real-world applications and meet the requirements of the rapidly changing market.

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